I, Nicole M. Thompson, President and founder of HSS, Inc., housing and supportive services continuing the legacy of my father Mr. Gerald E. Thompson who in May 1989 got sober and founded of BOS, alcohol, tobacco and other illegal drugs and substance abuse program for men, women and women with children and single male parents, in 2000 after so many foster care TAY were emancipating or aging out he founded the Pathways To Your Future (PTYF) and The Frontline Soldiers housing program and in 2018 founded CERC, a un-housed home housing management company. My father is passing the torch to me after being on the frontline for more than thirty-three years. HSS, Inc. was founded based on my father’s core foundation he built will continue providing comprehensive health, education, and human supportive services to the most subpopulations un-housed underserved individuals, youth, and families while promoting their development and enriching the communities where we both were born and raised – Los Angeles, California.
Helping others part of my lineage, passed down from my grandmothers. My father’s mother was a nurse in the Army of World War II and after a honorable discharge attended and graduated from The University of Southern California (USC) in 1957, and my mother’s mom was on the Los Angeles School Board and a foster parent.
Looking ahead, we plan to expand our outreach efforts and strengthen our partnerships with local service providers to continue making a tangible difference in our communities.
HSS, Inc. Transitional Housing Services has successfully facilitated temporary housing solutions for individuals
and families undergoing life changes. Over the past quarter, we secured safe, stable housing for over 75
residents a month providing critical support during their transition periods. Our program has also expanded its mental health and substance abuse counseling services, resulting in a 30% increase in resident self-sufficiency rates.
Looking ahead, we aim to further develop our partnerships with local employers and educational institutions to better assist residents in achieving long-term stability and independence.
Bringing the “NEIGHBOR” back to the “NEIGHBORHOODS” ©
A little over 50 years ago, our communities were called “Neighborhoods”. There was a sense of community and a fostering of well-being among the neighbors. It was the men who would stand up and fight to protect their family and neighborhood from outside violence. It was the men who confronted any and all negative forces that could bring harm to his neighborhood but without our women the struggle would have failed. The women, the very soul of the neighborhood who would make sure the children were educated, involved with community and church. The neighborhoods were diverse before “diverse” meant anything: consisting of families of all races, creeds, and colors. In the neighborhood there were traditional households consisting of a father, mother, children, and often there was the extended family of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins under one roof. There was an instinctual relationship amongst the parents and children in the neighborhood, born from the concept and culture; “It Takes A Village to Raise A Family” and that “Together We Stand Divided We Fall:
Even though today’s family structure and dynamics have changed greatly from the past, there is still a need and desire to nurture and protect our children and neighbors. Today, our communities that were once called “Neighborhood” are now being called “Hoods”. The “Hood” is turf and trespassing without commitment, without the elders influence. The “Hood” is transient and disposable.
In order to bring about some form of rejuvenation or rebirth to our communities, we must address the “personalization” of those living in what have been called the “Hood” … it’s about “bringing the neighbor back to the neighborhood”.
Housing and Supportive Services Inc. (HSS, INC.) is here today to bring the “Neighbor” back to the “Neighborhood”
The HSS, INC. Housing and Supportive Services Board of Trustees:
Nicole M. Thompson
Tyran Crudup, of At The Foundation Transitional Living Management Supervisor/Program Case Manager
Wenceslao J. Martinez
Crisis Housing Program Manager