To provide an evidence bases housing program with supportive services for Interim, Crisis Housing, Transitional to Permanent Supportive Services Housing Programs for Un-housed/homeless people.

How does HSS, Inc. help

HSS, Inc. offers a range of programs and services aimed at addressing the needs of underserved individuals, youth, and families,

Program Description:

“Housing First Program” is designed to provide a minimum of 12 month of housing for Un-housed/homeless individuals, families, couples, Veterans, seniors and TAY youth

to work with each participant in a “Three Phase Housing Program Structure” by making available a clean and safe housing facility with the necessary supportive services that will assist them in learning how to become self-sufficient and confident in choosing and achieving their personal goals to career, work, higher learning, and permanent housing.

HSS, Inc.’s programs and services are available to individuals, youth, and families in underserved communities who are in need of housing.

1. Being homeless, (i.e. Co-Occurring, Mental Health issues, depression, anxiety, bi-polar, etc.), Chronic substance Abuse or if not a good candidate for HSS, Inc., referrals to other housing or treatment or health care program that specialize in their specific needs.

2. Individuals re-entering from the Department of Justice (DOJ), Coordinated Entry System (CES)

3. Chronically Homeless (homeless continuously for one year or 4 episodes of homelessness within 3 years; streets, emergency shelter, emancipated youth etc.) Placement from Drug Courts, County or State referrals.

4. Men diagnosed with HIV/AIDS

5. Un-housed homeless Veterans and Seniors

How can HHS, Inc.

HHS, Inc. is here to help and support you.

Bringing the “Neighbor” back to the “Neighborhood”